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City of Hamilton — a great place to call home

Hamilton is a port city located in the industrialized Golden Horseshoe area of Ontario, at the west end of Lake Ontario. The city is home to a number of attractions, including the Royal Botanical Gardens, the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, McMaster University, and several universities. McMaster is rated as one of the top schools in Canada, making the city of Hamilton a desirable location for university students. Hamilton is home to a multitude of affordable residential neighbourhoods, with the most popular neighbourhoods being Crown Point East, Crown Point West, and Gibson. Many nature trains and waterfalls line the city, and are in close proximity to the primary residential areas. Downtown Hamilton is located at the core of the city and is home to a multitude of shopping, entertainment, cultural and business opportunities.

Guelph is home to several hospitals and smaller medical facilities located at all ends of the city, with the primary hospital being Hamilton General Hospital located at 237 Barton St E. The city also provides seniors with several senior community programs and clubs. The city of Hamilton is served by a number of accessible transportation options, with bus routes taking passengers to and from all corners of the city.

Here are some Nursing Homes, Retirement Homes and Assisted Living residences found in and around City of Hamilton:

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